Monday 31 August 2009

Darfield Beavers Wants You

Due to quite a few of our Beavers moving up into cubs we have a few places available at Beavers. I will be visiting schools early in September with joining information but if any of the Beavers have a friend or know someone at school who would like to come along please let one of the leaders know as soon as possible.

Beaver Sleepover

The plans for the Beaver sleepover on 19th September are well underway, thanks to Janice at Ardsley. Full details will be available soon. I have already heard from some of the Beavers over the summer break and everyone seems to be really looking forward to it. All the Beavers who attend will get their first Nights Away badge, lets hope it will be the first of many.

Wetlands Day 5 September

Time flies, the holidays are nearly over and the time has come for our trip to the Wetlands. This is a district event and we will be joined with Beavers from Ardsley, Hoyland and Wombwell. There are lots activities planned for the day, we just need everyone to keep their fingers (and probably toes) crossed that the weather is kind to us. The leaders are looking forward to seeing you there.

Friday 7 August 2009

Scouting Mag- August/September

I have added the newest version of the scouting magazine, in the side-bar.
Happy holidays, adam