Thursday 19 November 2009

Presentation Evening

Well done to all the Beavers who were presented with their Emergency Aid Stage 1 Badge. The Beavers have all worked very hard over the last few weeks. I must also mention Sam and Emily who were awarded the Hike 1 Badge for completing a 8 mile hike in Castleton. Well done to everyone.

Children In Need

Thank you to everyone who supported the Children in Need fundraising, we collected a total of £87.65, keep a look out for a mention on Friday night, as I will be sending our details into the BBC.

Saturday 14 November 2009

Remembrance Sunday

Remembrance Sunday and the Swimming gala

Well done to all the beavers, cubs and scouts who attended the Remembrance Sunday, the behaviour was fantastic even though it rained.

Well done to all the Beavers who attended the fun swim last Saturday it looked so fun.

A BIG BRAVO to Darfield cubs and scouts who swam in the swimming gala you did us proud ! :D

Cub Update

Since September Darfield Cubs have been undertaking activities to gain a number of badges, including the Chefs badge. Work has been completed on identifying hazards in a kitchen, designing a healthy, and unhealthy plate of food and cooking a two course meal. This was completed on Tuesday, and from the number of empty plates it was definitely a success. Well done Cubs!